Stay fresh while up in the morning despite staying up

Each person must have felt that his name especially for those who like to stay up all night world, staying up until dawn to wake up at 7 or 8 am, definitely feeling uncomfortable when you wake up in the morning after staying up.

Usually when you wake up in the morning after staying up late at night his head would ache, headache, dizziness and so on, caused due to lack of sleep. How do I get up in the morning still fresh despite staying up late at night ?, Read more yes.

It has Admin prove yourself after listening to advice from a friend that his habit of staying up late every night, and sleep only 3-4 hours, but when you wake up in the morning still fresh and not feel the symptoms of headache, dizziness etc..

Want to know the secret What? The secret is coffee, to drink coffee at night for those who like to stay up will have an effect when you wake up in the morning, which is still fresh and not feel the symptoms of headache etc.. It has Admin prove after a few days ago when I stayed up late.

What keeps us fresh when you wake up after drinking coffee at night? Because coffee can increase stamina and relieve headaches. This happens because the caffeine substances that enter the body to compete with adenosis functions contained in the body.

The adenosine compounds serves to make people be fast asleep but the content of caffeine slows the body's cells so that the body becomes easily tired and sleepy so we feel fresh. The content of caffeine that also serves to relieve headaches.

So often stayed up late preparing for the coffee, so when up in the morning not feeling the symptoms of a headache. Suitable also for the insomnia disease that is difficult to sleep at night, but for you who want to prevent a prolonged insomnia you can also read my article and tricks on how to cope with prolonged insomnia.

Thus this article, hopefully what the admin can give useful for you especially for admins who always want to give the best for the visitors of this blog. Thank you
Stay fresh while up in the morning despite staying up | Anonymous | 5